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Open Data

Bassetlaw Open Data Homepage

Open Data is about Councils being more open, transparent and sharing certain non-personal information and datasets. Making them freely available for everyone to use as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other controls. For more information please see our "What is Open Data?" page.

For more information please see our "What is Open Data?" page.

Air Quality Management

Bassetlaw District Council monitor and record the levels of nitrogen dioxide within the borough.

Amenity Green Space - Open Space Study

Information for all Amenity Green Space within the District of Bassetlaw.

Annual Monitoring Reports

The Annual Monitoring Report reviews the progress of Local Development.

Article 4 directions

Article 4 directions and it's affects

Benefit Fraud

The number of cases of irregularity and fraud that have been investigated and the monetary value identified.

Brownfield Register

A register of all the brownfield sites in the District which have been considered as suitable for redevelopment.

Budget Book

A book detailing the individual financial budgets set out in the committee areas.

Building Control Register

Historic Register of Building Regulation Applications from the District of Bassetlaw.

Building Regulation Local Authority Charges

Annual Financial Statements for Building Control Local Authority Charges


The Byelaws relating to the District of Bassetlaw.

Cemetery - Open Space Study

Information such as locations and settlements for all Cemetery Sites within Bassetlaw.

Charter Trustees

Information on the Charter Trustees within Bassetlaw.

Children's Play Areas - Open Space Study

Information for all Children's Play Areas within the District of Bassetlaw.

Civic Spaces - Open Space Study

Information such as locations and settlements for all Civic Spaces within Bassetlaw.

Community Centres

Spatial point data of geographical locations of Community Centres within Bassetlaw.

Complaints Annual Reports

A summary of the number and nature of complaints made to the Council

Conservation Area Appraisals

An overview of the history and development of each area and what it is that makes them special

Conservation Area Information

Information on the Conservation areas within the district of Bassetlaw

Conservation Areas in Bassetlaw

The location of all the Conservation Areas within the District of Bassetlaw.

Constitution of the Council

Bassetlaw District Council's Constitution sets out how the Council operates.

Controlled Parking Spaces

Show the number of parking spaces within the district that are controlled by Bassetlaw.

Council Buildings

Location of the Town Halls and Council Buildings within the District of Bassetlaw.

Council Grant Aid Programme

Grant Aid - Grants to Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Organisations.

Customer Services Statistics

The number of telephone calls, emails, texts and visitors received by the Council

Efficiency Strategy

Efficiency Strategy - helping plan future budget strategy and what will be delivered.

Environmental Health

Documents from our Environmental Health Department

Fly Tipping

Spatial point data of geographical locations/instances of Fly Tipping

Gender Pay Gap Statement

Gender pay information for the Council's employees.

Golf Courses

The locations of the Golf Courses and clubs in the Bassetlaw District area.

Land & Building Assets

A register of land and buildings that the Council own and are responsible for.

Library Locations

Spatial point data of the geographical locations of Libraries within the District.

Local Nature Reserves

Designated Local Nature Reserves and their locations and settlements in the District.

Localism Act

The Localism Act gives local government new powers and freedom to make decisions at a local level.

Member Job Descriptions

Job descriptions of ward members of Bassetlaw District Council.

Members Expenses

Detailed breakdown of the Members Expenses and what they cost the Council.

Parish Councillors Register of Interests

Displays the Parish Councillors register of interests.

Parish Councils

Parish Council meeting info & account. Provided by the parishes themselves.

Parking Accounts

The income and expenditure on the Council's parking account for a given financial year.

Payments To Suppliers

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500

Procurement Card Payments

A list of individual payments made by Officers with use of a Procurement card.

Procurement Contracts

Procurement projects over £5000 awarded by Bassetlaw District Council

Public Health Funerals

Information on public health funerals paid for by Bassetlaw District Council

Public Notices

Weekly lists of public notices that are published in the local press each week.

Public Outdoor Sports Facilities

Information for all Public Outdoor Sports Facilities within the District of Bassetlaw.

Public Sector Apprenticeship Target

Data showing the number of apprenticeship starts

Public Toilets

Locations, opening times and co-ordinates of all the Council rund public toilets.

Recycling Sites

Locations around the district where certain types of household items can be recycled.

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

Scheduled ancient monuments list

Semi Natural Green Space

Information for all semi natural green space within the District of Bassetlaw.

Senior Staff Information

A variety of information including salaries paid to the Senior Managers.

Social Housing Asset Valuation

The Council's value of social housing assets within the Housing Revenue Account.

Statement of Accounts

Annual Statement of Accounts and Audit Reports

Trade Union Facility Time

Facility time is paid time off during working hours

Village Halls

Spatial point data of geographical locations of village halls within Bassetlaw.

Waste Recycling Plants

The locations and co-ordinates of the Waste Recycling Plants in the Bassetlaw District.

Wind Farms

Locations of wind farms, proposed wind farms and the turbines specifications.

Wind Turbines 15 to 50 Metres

Locations of wind turbines and proposed wind turbines that are 15 to 50 metres tall.

Wind Turbines 50+ Metres

Locations of wind turbines and proposed wind turbines that are over 50 metres tall

Workforce Statistics

Information on the make-up of Bassetlaw Council's Workforce

Worksop Priory Regeneration Area

The location of the Worksop Priory Regeneration area.